Year Two Term 3

English 12.02.21

Storytime 12.02.21

PE 12.02.21

Maths 12.02.21

RE 11.02.21

Storytime with Isabella in Purple Class 11.02.21

Maths 11.02.21 Telling the time to the nearest five minutes song

Maths 11.02.21

English 11.02.21

Eco-Schools Penguin Craft 10.02.21

Eco-Schools Storytime 10.02.21

Eco-Schools 10.02.21

Maths 10.02.21

English 09.02.21

Storytime 09.02.21

Maths 09.02.21

Storytime 08.02.21

Maths 08.02.21

Art 05.02.21

Storytime 05.02.21

Handwriting 05.02.21

Maths 05.02.21

Music 04.02.21

Maths 04.02.21

English 04.02.21

Maths 03.02.21

Well-being Storytime 03.02.21

Well-being 03.02.21

English 2.2.21

Maths 02.02.21

Maths 01.02.2021

Storytime 01.02.2021

SPaG 1.2.21 (Were or Was?)

SPaG 1.2.21(Is or Are?)

Maths 29.1.2021

Storytime 29.01.21

Dance 29.01.21

Handwriting 29.1.21

English 28.1.21

Art 28.01.21

Well-being Storytime 27.1.2021

Well-being 27.1.2021

Music 27.01.21 Verse 3

Music 27.01.21 Verse 2

Music 27.01.21 Verse 1

Storytime 26.01.21

English 26.1.21

Maths 26.1.2021

Maths 25.1.2021

SPaG 25.1.21

Maths 22.1.2021

Dance 22.01.21

Storytime 22.1.21

Handwriting 22.1.21

English 21.1.21

Art 21.01.21

Maths 20.1.2021

Storytime 20.01.21

Music 20.01.21

Maths 19.1.2021

English 19.1.21

Storytime 18.1.2021

Well-being 18.1.2021

Maths 18.1.2021

SPaG 18.1.21

Maths 15.1.2020

PE 15.01.21

Storytime 15.1.21

Handwriting 15.1.21

English 14.1.21

Science Experiment 14.01.21

Changing States of Matter 14.01.21

Music 13.01.2021

Maths 13.01.2021

Storytime 13.01.21

Maths 12.01.2021

English 12.1.21

Emotional Well-being 11.01.2021

Storytime 11.01.21

Maths 11.01.2021

spAg 11.1.21

Maths 08.01.2021

Storytime 08.01.21

PE 08.01.21

English 7.1.21

PSHE 07.01.21

Storytime 06.01.2021

Maths 06.01.2021

English 6.1.21

English 05.01.21