Get ready for a fun Friday with a great start upbeat start to the day.
Lets warm up your fine motor skills. Get some playdough or blu tack and stand on a hard floor ( not carpet ) and get ready for playdough disco.
Watch the video, then read the PowerPoint then have fun creating your own lantern or dragon.
Download the free Twinkl AR app from the App Store or on Google Play to unlock augmented reality features.
Animal music by Julia Donaldson and Nick Sharratt
One more , one less.
Here are some of spelling spot words for this week to practise. You can practise these in any way. Write in chalk, paint the words or write them in the snow.
Tiger in the Snow read by Mrs Backhouse in the snow!
Get your body ready for your learning today. Have fun!
Mrs Backhouse is in the jungle sharing one of her favourite stories, 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
Here is a reminder of phase 5. CHALLENGE - Can you think of words with the different digraphs in?
Sit back, relax and enjoy the 'Magic Carpet - Mindfulness Meditation' session.
Listen to the season song to help you remember what the weather is like in the different seasons. Remember that we say Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The video refers to Autumn as Fall, this is an American term.
Handwriting with Mrs Bland. You will need some playdough, plasticine or blue tack to help you this week. Make sure you do the warm-up on a hard floor as playdough and carpets don't mix. 🙂
Mrs Backhouse reads Smile by Leigh Hodgkinson.
Victorian Toys. Making a Thaumatrope with Mrs Backhouse
Learn about the inverse operation with Mrs Backhouse
My Mum
Subtraction crossing 10 with Mrs Backhouse
Watch ‘Jessie and Friends Ep 2, Sharing Pictures’ with your child from the Video Resource Library. This is an activity that you need to complete with your child as it involves discussion on how to stay safe when online. Children should never be online without an adult present.
Mrs Backhouse and Gloria share the story 'Marmaduke the Very Different Dragon.' By Rachel Valentine and Ed Eaves
This term our act of worship is focussing on Aesop’s fables. Fables are short stories which illustrate a particular moral and teach a lesson to children and kids.
Your teachers are very proud of all the work you have done. We love seeing the work, photos and videos. Don't give up, keep persevering with the remote learning.
This week Mr Cullen has narrated a PowerPoint. The PowerPoint is titled ‘History PP 19.01.21’. Once you open this PowerPoint, you will then need to play the MP3 file titled ‘History narration 19.01.21’. You will listen to this MP3 as you work through the PowerPoint.
Watch Geraldine learn the 'ew' digraph then have a go at the activity in the remote resource centre.
Watch how to form your letters correctly with Mr Cullen.
Word problems
Grab your own prop and play along with this fun song and practice loud, quiet, fast and slow.
Watch Geraldine learn the 'aw' sound.
Get your body ready for your learning today. Have fun!
Watch Geraldine the giraffe learn the 'ue' digraph then have a go at the phonic activity in the Remote Learning.
Listen to a couple of Winter poems read by Mrs Bland
Add by making 10 with Mrs Backhouse
Watch Geraldine learn the 'ir' digraph then have a go at the phonic activity in Remote Learning.
Watch the video and then have a go at the SPaG activity.
Watch the phonic video and then have a go at the phonic activity in the remote learning.
Enjoy watching the video and learning our 'just know' words. CHALLENGE - Can you put them in a sentence?
Watch the video and then have a go at the phonic activity.
Wake your body up ready to do your learning for the day.
Watch the video then have a go at the phonic activity in the resource centre.
To link to friendship week please enjoy reading this story with your child.